Department of Musicology Library, University of Ljubljana



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Knjižnica oddelka za muzikologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani
Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1440

Founded in 1961, the Library of the Department of Musicology has grown over the years into the central musicological library in Slovenia. Organisationally it is linked with the Faculty of Arts Central Humanities Library. The library is housed within the Department of Musicology and comprises more than 20,000 units of diverse material related to music, such as books, periodicals, printed and written music, as well as audio and video materials.


Throughout the years the library collected material and enlarged its holdings, particularly through donations. The special part of the bibliographic collection belonged to Professor Dragotin Cvetko. He was a founder of the Department of Musicology and its Head of Department for several years. The purchased collection by Dragotin Cvetko includes remarkable works by world known researchers of Musicology. The full bibliography of Cvetko's collection is available online.

Another important figure in the library's history is ethnomusicologist Bruno Nettl (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA). In 2006 he donated an impressive collection of world reference literature in the field of Ethnomusicology. A part of this bibliography is available online.


The information on the holdings of the library is accessible on COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library and by index files which are also available in the electronic catalogue on the library's website. Most of the material obtained after 1991 is reviewed with the help of the COBISS system. For staff members and students there is also special access to the internal e-Library.

The library has a modest reading room for 6 persons, computers that offer access to the COBISS catalogue and the use of other electronic sources, as well as 2 seats for listening purposes.

See also

External links

Knjižnica oddelka za muzikologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani +
Knjižnica oddelka za muzikologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Aškerčeva 2 +
Founded in 1961, the Library of the Department of Musicology has grown over the years into the central musicological library in Slovenia. +
Founded in 1961, the Library of the Department of Musicology has grown over the years into the central musicological library in Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 241 1440 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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